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Training - Iocap - People Empower Business
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How can we align the organizational needs of a company with the people who put themselves out there every day for its future?

Through training as it generates organizational coherence and develops the skills of individual resources.

For us, training means supporting companies achieve their objectives – even the most challenging ones – by giving the group and individual resources the opportunity to grow, believe in themselves and acquire the awareness and autonomy necessary to make a difference.

The skills of the consultants who are part of our Iocap Nebula allow us to act in different areas: from Leadership development to process management, from emotions management to effective communication, from negotiation to time management, from change processes to cultural diversity. No matter which topic we will tackle together, we will do it with extreme passion and desire to participate in the development and success of your organization.


Simon Sinek teaches us: “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it”

Any change happens for a reason. The key to successfully implement changes is precisely to convey “that why” and thus be able to engage the resources that can actively and positively contribute to the new process if they understand the rationale and share the new goal.

Redesigning an organization, rewriting its processes, clarifying the new rules are not actions that lead to effective change, but they only represent the first few steps. It is essential to plan the communication strategy, to know how to inspire others, to help people understand the advantages of the change itself, to be aware of resistances and obstacles so to convert them into energy and opportunities. As the ethics of good business teaches us, what you have to think of first is the people, then of their roles and functions.

We are passionate about cohesion between people and organizational systems, we are committed to transforming consolidated Change Management methodologies into springboards for the effective implementation of your changes.

So, are you ready to tell us what you have in mind?


Change is the foundation of any great idea.

The outside world changes, the businesses around us change, the products, our ways of interacting, consumers needs change. The companies that respond to such needs change, and so does geography in today’s globalized and often delocalized context.

How powerful is our brain? Much more than we think: the important thing is to exploit its full potential. Who can innovate? Anyone who devotes time and energy to stimulating new ideas.

Today almost all contexts require innovation – one of the most sought-after skills – but there is no specific technique or button to press to activate new mental processes. The key is to be trained to interact with the outside world, to look at the transformation object from above, to have a broader vision and to be able to communicate with conviction and credibility what has been thought.

The new can be scary, but an organization is only sustainable if it is able to transform and anticipate future internal and external needs. Data and trends analysis, listening to various stakeholders, understanding why good ideas sometimes fail, applying a method and a business plan for grounding innovative thinking are concrete actions that, combined with imagination, bring excellent results. How to feed the imagination of your organization? Letting your resources have their own creative space so that at their own pace and with their methods, they will be able to find an inspirational idea that can then be proposed to the group as a basis for an even greater idea.

We support companies in bringing out individual contributions and in finding the most suitable method so that the collective genius can be achieved and thus produce a competitive advantage.

And you, are you ready to create the unimaginable?


Do you know that 85% of the reasons that prevent a company from satisfying its customers have to do with processes and procedures?

Sometimes it is “because it has always been done this way”, other times it is because the resources fulfil their positions without looking beyond their functional and divisional boundaries. In both situations the effectiveness in achieving company objectives is lacking.

To reflect on these aspects and to learn to act in an agile and productive way, we have created Speedy MailTM, a business game that provides a SixSigma process methodology applicable in every context, raises awareness about the benefit of streamlining processes, and helps understanding the impact of individual roles on customer satisfaction (both internal and external).

It is an interactive and fun way that allows participants to analyze customer expectations, translate them into measurable variables, understand the root causes of a malfunction, share tools for improvement and experience how important the team and each single role are when solving a problem.

Are you ready to be part of a shipping company and redesign its processes?

speedy mail

We often hear “let’s put our people at the hear of what we do”, but how do we make this ambition come true?

By giving importance to our people, believing in their potential, continuing to inspire and motivate them. Setting clear and transparent goals and scheduling meetings to monitor their progress. By giving a quantitative and qualitative feedback on the skills that are being acted, encouraging towards improvement, stimulating dialogue and the desire to do more for one’s personal growth and, consequently, for the organization. Asking and giving feedback are two sides of the same coin that lead a company to success: creating a culture of continuous exchange in which specific moments are dedicated to resources and in which the value of feedback – be it reinforcing or corrective – is perceived.

We take our customers by the hand and we stay by their side during the transformation of one of the most impactful paradigms on performance: from two minutes at the coffee machine to a series of structured meetings led in a successful way that value people and their development paths by encouraging them to exceed their business goals.

And you, how much time do you spend on feedback?


The challenge we have accepted is to help people discover their strengths in communicating and relating to others (whether they are bosses or direct reports or customers or suppliers …) and help them combine – by using the right tools – 3 often disunited variables: personal well-being, positive relationships, business results improvement.


Anthony Robbins said ``To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others”

And we shall add that this is even more complicated when people from different cultures interact. For this reason, it is necessary to understand the cultural dimensions that influence relationships, develop intercultural skills and learn communication methods that can be applied when dealing with international interlocutors in order to convey clear, credible and convincing messages. Our experts are specialized in different cultures and can support you in becoming effective storytellers and in learning how to use different tools and meaning making models so to avoid possible conflicts and – if needed – facilitate their resolution.

And you, with which culture do you need to practice your communication skills?


We believe in the saying “United we stand, divided we fall”

For today’s organizations knowing how to work in a team and creating a climate that fosters collaboration are fundamental aspects. For this reason, the activities we offer have a dual purpose: on one hand to value the group and the common goal, and on the other one to help the individuals bring out the skills – perhaps hidden or underestimated – that possess and can make a difference.

Be it a rugby field, an orchestra rehearsal room, the kitchen of an international chef, a theatre, or an outdoor excursion we assure both the playful and learning time as we apply the experience to the everyday professional reality.

So, what kind of adventure is your team ready for?


If your need is not among the examples cited, or if you feel the need to be trained but cannot identify your specific need, we will be happy to get to know your organization and to plan together a path suitable for your reality and for the context you operate in.

All our proposals are highly personalized and are designed ad hoc to satisfy the various corporate and personal differences. Because after all when we talk about training we are talking about people. And people are the only ones who, if aligned with organizational needs, can really make a difference.

What are you waiting for to tell us about you? Contact us for a chat.


We strongly believe in the power of cross-industry positive impact, and therefore we are happy to support schools – and the professionals of tomorrow – by putting our business expertise at the schools’ disposal in this important time of change that we are experiencing.

Believing that it is essential to have all the tools and all the skills necessary to offer quality programs – both from a technical and educational point of view, we have designed a training program to support teachers and school principals in the transition towards a new way of managing education.

Our programs include the following topics, and are fully customizable according to different needs as our interest is to assist and support schools in their path to success:

  1. Analysis and development of the soft skills that are necessary to efficiently implement new educational methodologies
  2. Training and coaching sessions to support teachers and students (divided by different roles and ages)
  3. Change management
  4. Communication

For further information, please fill in the contact form.

All IOCAP training processes are certified according to the ISO9001 quality management system.